Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sleeping Angel

It has been one of my favorite past times to watch my son sleeping. It gives me so much comfort to see him this way, so peaceful and serene. He has grown so fast! I hope not too fast. I've become so comfortable with him being my baby. I'm not sure I'm ready to see him all by himself in his own room or ever be at peace while he's in school. For now, I'll be content with just watching him sleep beside me and wish that he'd stay to be my baby forever.

Vien at 8 months

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Good Times and Bad Times

There are times I feel like I am a child with a child of my own. My life has been scarred by the fact that I didn't know how to be a mother because I had grown up without one. Everyday with Vien teaches me lessons of life, of being a parent, of being a woman. There are ups and downs, tears and laughters. I know this journey is long and tiring, fulfilling and exciting. My daily doze of energy is Vien. As long as there is him, there is me, eagerly willing to brave anything this life has to offer.

First Christmas

Christmas is a time for merry making and gift giving. The 25th of December 2008 was specially different to us because it was our first christmas with our son. He was 5 months old.

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. (Burton Hillis)
God be thanked for this precious gift. He knows best what makes us truly happy.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One Boring Night...

This innocent looking little boy gives me so much joy. Adorable and exhausting. Amusing and frustrating. He is all of these. My life turns into one big adventure on the day he first arrived. No boring day could ever be lasting when he is at my side.

Vien was 6 months old when these photos were taken.

He got balls!

Dazzling dazzling colorful balls!

One fine day, we went to a nearby mall and found these balls. One hundred colorful balls neatly cramped in one small plastic bag. We bought it at once for we know he'd be thrilled to play with it. His happiness over all things, mine included.
Vien was 7 months old when these photos were taken.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sharing Some FUNtastic Photos

Vien at 4 months. How time flies when you're having fun!!!

effects courtesy of

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pure Joy

My Vien. Born July 24, 2008.

Sweet. Soft. Tiny. Adorable.

Love. Serenity. Joy. Perfection.

Ahh, motherhood! Finally.